Annual Fundraiser
join the fun
The Virtual Coach Joe Free Throw-A-Thon can be done anywhere and at any time! You can complete your free throws on your own time, in the community gym, your school gym, or the goal in your backyard. Anywhere as long as you get it done AND video yourself!
The Coach Joe Free-Throw-A-Thon Certified Sites are locations where you can do your 100 shots. If you are in the area feel free to drop in and Get It In! No videos are required.
Email the Site Host if you have questions about their location.
Please email all other questions about the event to
Each participant will collect pledges from various people. They can either donate a flat amount or pledge an amount for each free throw made out of 100 attempts. Once the 100 free throws have been shot, and the number of made free throws is determined, the participant will collect the pledge money from those who sponsored them.
EVERYONE is Welcome to Participate!
- Ask your friends and family to register!
- No Training Needed! Download the Coach Joe’s Free Throw-A-Thon pledge sheet and fill it up!
- Plan ahead. When you will do your free throws? Choose a location. Do not forget to get the sponsors’ pledges before you start.
- Connect with others on your team, in the community, and in your family. Connect with others to get support and most of all to have fun!
- Hit the court! It does not matter your pace, location, or time you shoot. Just get it in!
- Once you have completed all of your attempts, upload your form below and start collecting the money from your sponsors. The sponsors can give the money to you to mail a money order in or they can submit it online at
All monies raised will go towards the participants prizes and to our Endowed Sponsorship fund.
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